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Septic Tank Maintenance

Failing to properly maintain your septic tank can lead to a number of unpleasant problems including - leaks causing serious environmental damage, harm to yourself and others, and repairs or tank replacement costing thousands of pounds. With this in mind, proper care of your on-site wastewater management system is absolutely vital. Regular maintenance will not only keep your system running efficiently, but it will also help protect your living environment by ensuring water quality. Luckily, septic system maintenance isn’t complex or difficult. To help you keep your septic tank in the best possible condition, here is our complete guide on septic tank maintenance.

Things you should do:

Inspect your system

It is important to properly inspect your system at least once a year to check for things like - damage to the outer tank, bad odours, a slowdown in draining, and surface water in the drainage field. You should contact a professional septic company immediately if you notice any of these warning signs. You risk having to replace the whole tank if repairs are not carried out on systems straight away.

Pump your tank when needed

Most septic tanks should be pumped once a year, but may need emptying more regularly in some circumstances. You should always have your tank pumped by a professional who has the correct equipment for the job.

Keep accurate records

You should always keep any records relating to your septic tank such as maintenance, repairs and permits. This will make it easier to schedule septic tank maintenance and identify causes for water quality changes. These should be passed onto the new owner if you sell your property.

Practice water conservation

This saves water which is an effective way to reduce your carbon footprint and environmental harm. It will also minimise the amount of solids in the septic tank, which will help your system work more efficiently.

Get help from a certified professional

You should always consult with a septic tank professional if you notice any warning signs or encounter any problems with your septic tank.

Things you shouldn’t do:

Put things in your system

Certain things will stop your system from working as efficiently and can lead to blockages and leaks. You should never flush the following things down the toilet, or allow them to enter your system.

  • Fats or grease
  • Motor oils or fuels
  • Disposable diapers
  • Coffee grounds, egg shells, nut shells
  • Filter tip cigarettes
  • Sanitary napkins, tampons or condoms
  • Paper towels or rags
  • Paints or chemicals

Use harsh chemicals

Harsh chemicals from products like drain cleaners, floor cleaners, paints solvents, waxes, polishes and strippers, can destroy important bacteria in the septic tank and contaminate ground and surface water. You should therefore avoid putting them down your drain as much as possible.

Allow traffic on your drain field

It is important to keep any traffic away from your drain field. Do not allow vehicles, heavy equipment or livestock to be in the area, as the pressure can compact the soil and damage the tank and system pipes.

Cover your drain field

Do not place impermeable materials like concrete or plastic over your drain field, as this may prevent oxygen from getting into the soil. Oxygen is needed by bacteria to break down the wastewater.

Use too many additives

Additives may provide a short-term benefit, but they can create long-term problems. You should therefore use them sparingly and only when needed. If used continually, these products do not reduce the need for routine pumping

Dispose of water from hot tubs into the system

The large volume of water will overload the system and the disinfectant in the water can also destroy important bacteria in the system.

Allow runoff into your system

Excessive water from roofs, driveways and patios can overwhelm the drain field, causing irreversible damage. You should therefore keep all runoff water away from your system.

Use a garbage disposal

This will add solids and grease to the system. Keep in mind that if a garbage disposal is used, more frequent cleaning of the septic tank will be required.

NEVER enter a septic tank

The most important thing is to never open or enter a septic tank. The gases and chemicals produced during the treatment process can be extremely toxic, and lead to serious injury and even death. Any work should therefore be done from the outside and you should always contact a certified septic tank professional if you have any problems with your system.

Follow these septic tank maintenance tips and your system should provide you with many years of trouble free service.

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Thursday 25th April 2024
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